Success with CRS

The Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary program of the National Flood Insurance Program. Through the CRS, communities that are undertaking floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum floodplain management requirements of the NFIP earn reductions in the flood insurance premiums of their residents resulting in more affordable flood insurance.

But more than this, by applying a whole community approach to floodplain management, the CRS contributes to community resilience, increased insurance coverage, public safety and the protection of floodplain natural functions. These benefits are evident in participating communities and collectively nationwide.

Here you can get a glimpse — through real-life examples — of how the CRS has helped communities across the United States get closer to achieving resiliency goals. Scroll down for more information or click on the menu above.

Some Ways CRS Communities Find Success

(Click on a box for more information)
Using Stronger Regulatory Standards
Protecting the Environment / Quality of Life / Resilience
Broadened Flood Insurance Coverage & Accurate Rating
Heightened Awareness & Outreach
Flood Damage Avoided & Vulnerability Reduced
Credibility, Recognition & Political Support
Improved Capability & a Map for a Comprehensive Program
Success &
CRS Activities

CRS Success Across the US

Center map